Phones are gradually replacing a large number of everyday items and the latest household gadget under threat is the weighing scale.手机渐渐代替我们生活中很多东西。而目前受到威胁的东西就是称之为。
Huawei recently unveiled a phone that can be used to weigh small objects thanks to its pressure-sensitive screen, and now an app promises to add the same feature to the iPhone 6s.近期,华为发售了一款新手机。这款手机应用于压力感应器屏,故称出有小东西的重量。而现在,iPhone 6s也将在其系统中发售类似于功能的应用软件。
Called Gravity, the app uses the handsets 3D Touch technology to turn the display into a scale, but Apple doesnt appear to be a fan of the app and has rejected it from the store.Gravity应用程序应用于3D触碰技术,可将称之为重物的重量转化成为数据。而苹果奇特对这个程序不感兴趣,拒绝接受在应用于商店中上线。Gravity was created by California-based design engineer Ryan McLeod who posted a blog about the development process on Medium.Gravity应用程序创建者为加州设计师瑞恩麦克劳德。
曾在其博客中公开发表了媒介的发展过程。It can be calibrated using quarter coins placed on a spoon and once calibrated, objects up to 0.8lbs (385g) can be weighed.将硬币(25分面值)放到架上上就可以已完成手机称之为的编辑工作。编辑后,重量在0.8磅(385克)内的物品都可以用此软件上除去。
The spoon is necessary because, as Mr McLeod explained: We needed an object that was conductive, had finger-like capacitance, formed a single finger-like touch point, was a household item, and could hold items to be weighed.麦克劳德先生称之为,架上必不可少。“因为我们必须一个传感物。放到手机屏上,像我们的手指触碰屏幕一样。
这样手机称之为就出了家居用品。家里的小东西就可以当作称之为了。”A spoon was the perfect solution we had been looking for.“小架上极致地解决问题了问题的症结。”In a demonstration video, the app is shown being calibrated before a 100g weight, a US plug and coins are placed on the spoon.在展示视频中,此应用程序事前用插头和硬币等小东西调试,使其表明数据为100克。
The measurement for the 100g weight is shown as being slightly out - by 0.283g - but this is still remarkably accurate for a device not designed primarily as a weighing scale.100克重量的严重误差为0.283克。对于一款不以“称之为”为设计理念的应用软件而言,这个数据早已很准确了。
Mr McLeod submitted the app to the Apple App Store on 29 September, but it was rejected on 7 October because the concept of a scale app was not appropriate.9月29日麦克劳德先生将此应用程序引荐给苹果应用于商店。但是,10月7日,苹果拒绝接受此软件上线。原因是“除去软件的理念不合理。
”He also speculated that the reason may be because weighing items using the screen could damage the display and is hoping Apple changes its mind.麦克劳德还推断原因有可能是,秤物品可能会损毁显示屏。但仍期望苹果转变主意。We have a strong respect for the subjective process Apple uses to maintain a selection of high quality apps and look forward to seeing other creative uses of 3D Touch, but do hope for a day when Gravity can be one of the hand-picked, who-knew-a-phone-could-do-that-apps anyone can download on the App Store and have in their pocket, he concluded.“对苹果检验高质量应用软件所持有人的相当可观态度我们深表崇敬,并期望上线其它3D触碰类软件。
但仍期望Gravity沦为一款触手可及、家喻户晓、可装在口袋里的苹果系统软件。”At this years IFA conference in Berlin, Huawei announced its Mate S handset also has pressure pads built into the screen.在今年柏林开会的IFA会议上,华为宣告其Mate S系列手机也配有有内置压力垫。In addition to being able to control different apps and options, this screen was shown doubling up as a digital scale - and was even used to weigh an orange at the event.除了反对多款应用程序和自由选择,此显示屏经数据折换后可作为一款电子称,甚至曾用来称之为一个橘子的重量。